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What are the misunderstandings in buying and using cheap food additive barrels

What are the misunderstandings in buying and using cheap food additive barrels

What are the misunderstandings in buying and using cheap food additive barrels?
1. Love to buy brightly colored food additive barrels
Cheap food additive barrels come in a wide variety of colors, and many friends are easily attracted by brightly colored products when purchasing. However, the brighter the color of the cheap food additive barrel, the more additives will be added. Therefore, it is recommended to use a single-color box for packaging. Although the ornamental value is reduced, safety is more important after all.
2. Likes to collect old food additive barrels for reuse
Many friends, especially the elderly, are used to storing old food additive barrels in order to save resources. This common practice is actually very harmful to health and is not advisable.

cheap food additive barrel
3. The thicker the better
The greater the thickness, the better the quality of the cheap food additive barrel? In fact, there are strict standards for packaging, and the quality meets the standards, regardless of the thickness.
How to choose the cheap food additive barrel correctly:
1. Do not buy cheap food additive barrels with vague outer packaging; secondly, rub the printed packaging with your hands. If it is found that it is easy to change color, it means that its quality and material are not good, and there are unsafe factors, so it cannot be purchased.
2. Smell the taste. Do not buy cheap food additive barrels with pungent smells.
3. Look at the packaging.


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